Posts tagged notion
A Notion Workbook for Plan(it)*!

Between kindergarten illnesses, cross country travel for my dad's funeral service at Arlington National Cemetery, and a baby who isn't sleeping for longer than 3 hours in her crib (update: since I drafted this post we've gotten two 7.5 hour nights! Could be a fluke but I'll take it), I haven't felt much like writing a more in-depth blog post.

What I have been enjoying is playing around in Notion so I figured I'd write a brief update on the Notion workbook for plan(it)*.

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How I'm Using Notion in My Professional and Personal Life

If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen that I've been playing around with Notion as an alternative to my current task management system. And if you're a newsletter subscriber you also know that I was exploring ClickUp and Asana as alternatives back in September... what can I say, I love this kind of stuff πŸ˜„.

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